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Enhancing your Shopping campaigns’ performance with OptiScore

Dominic Freudensprung, Account Manager, Google Shopping l Expertise series [November 2020]

Optimising your Shopping campaigns is important to maximise their impact on your business. The OptiScore and its accompanying recommendations give you a quick and clear overview of areas in your account that need attention to improve performance.

What exactly is OptiScore?

The Optimisation score (OptiScore) is an estimate of how well your Google Ads account is optimised. It is measured on a scale of 1% to 100% and you can find it on the Recommendations page in your Google Ads account. Using machine learning and simulations, it surfaces relevant optimisation recommendations and the impact of their implementation on campaign performance.

What are the main benefits of OptiScore?

Along with the overall score, you are able to break down each of these recommendations at campaign level to understand the impact that taking action on a recommendation can have on your overall score. This can be, for example, additional traffic or conversions. The recommendations not only reflect real-time updates and the possibility to implement suggestions easily with one click, but they also give you full transparency about their potential performance impact on your campaigns.

Currently the OptiScore is shown for active Search, Display, and Shopping campaigns only.

What are the categories of OptiScore recommendations for Shopping campaigns?

OptiScore recommendations surface for Shopping campaigns in all countries that are eligible to serve Shopping ads on Google’s general search results pages.

The Shopping recommendations are clustered into four categories:

  1. Bids & Budgets

  2. KWs & Targeting

  3. Repairs

  4. Automated Campaigns

OptiScore surfaces recommendations that impact your campaigns directly and improve your feed’s and Merchant Center’s health. These recommendations are continuously evolving to include more optimisation signals and improvements. A best practice is to check the ‘Recommendations’ tab regularly and choose those that are more relevant to your Shopping campaigns’ strategy and business objectives.

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Three key tips on which OptiScore recommendations you should invest in

On average, it is estimated that advertisers who increased their optimisation score by 10 points saw a 10% increase in conversions1. While the different recommendations can give an approximate projected uplift in conversions, a best practice is to choose the recommendations that are aligned with your overall business goals.

To help you become even more efficient using OptiScore, here are three tips on recommendations that you can pay special attention to:

  1. Search partner opt-in: Apply this recommendation to potentially reach more customers at a lower Cost-per-click (CPC), by showing your Shopping ads on search partner sites. To increase the possibilities that high quality leads will be targeted in the partner network, this setting is best combined with automated campaigns.

  2. Leverage automation opportunities: The fact that there are three different automation recommendations (Target ROAS, Enhanced Cost-per-click, Smart Shopping) highlights the relevance of Automation on improving the performance of your Shopping campaigns. Standard Shopping campaigns will only surface Target ROAS and Enhanced Cost-per-click (ECPC) recommendations if the system identifies that this might lead to a conversion uplift. Start by applying the recommendations with the highest projected impact first. Smart Shopping recommendations, on the other hand, will be surfaced if there are no Smart Shopping campaigns in the account when applying the recommendation, as it is an efficient addition to other campaigns.

  3. Spend your budget right: It is important to allocate your budget to the right campaigns to maximise the impact of your investment. Checking in on recommendations to raise or move unused budgets for different campaigns is therefore highly advised to ensure that you are investing in the right areas and do not have limited budgets in times of high demand. Especially when using a Target ROAS strategy, a limited budget may have an adverse impact on the campaign performance.

Key takeaways

  • Shopping bag icon

    Search partner opt-in

    Reach more customers at a lower CPC. For high quality leads in the partner network, use this setting with automated campaigns.

  • Tick icon

    Leverage automation opportunities

    Use Target ROAS, ECPC and Smart Shopping to improve the performance of your Shopping campaigns.

  • Growth chart icon

    Spend your budget right

    Check in on recommendations to raise or move unused budgets for different campaigns to maximise the impact of your investment.

1Optimisation Score, Shopping Playbook by Google - EEA, January 2020. These are learnings derived from search campaigns and provided for illustration of the impact of the recommendations surfaced by OptiScore.

You can discover more about OptiScore in the Google Ads Help Center

This article was published by Google Shopping (CSS). Google Shopping is Google's CSS and a Premium CSS Partner.