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How to build your Shopping campaign strategy around 'zero-impression products'

Google Shopping (CSS) Team [November 2021]

Like many online retailers, you may have hundreds of products in your online shop. While some can be ‘in stock’ in your feed and eligible to serve, they may have not received impressions or clicks in the last 90 days. These are known as ‘zero-impression products’ as they are not reaching potential customers and can often make up a large percentage of your inventory, which can limit the overall performance of your Shopping campaigns and ability to sell these products.

One of the best solutions to gaining traction for these products is to create Shopping campaigns solely focused on ‘zero-impression products’. You can set these up by following the steps below:

  1. Use the 'Reportsin your Google Ads account and download the data of the last 90 days.
  2. Filter the data to show all items and categories with no clicks in the last 90 days.
  3. Choose to view only relevant information for your 'zero-impression products' campaign: mainly the item id and the custom label.
  4. Focus your new Shopping campaigns on ‘zero-impression products’ based on your preferred strategy and business priorities.

Want more expert tips for your ‘zero-impression product’ strategy? Watch the short video below from our Google Shopping (CSS) expert, Annabel Hempelmann, on how to create Shopping campaigns that focus on these products, with best practices for strategy and targeting that will help you get closer to the goal of having no ‘zero-impression products’ in your feed.

In this video, Google Shopping (CSS) shares key tips on how you can build Shopping campaigns to gain traction to your 'zero-impression' products.

This article was published by Google Shopping (CSS). Google Shopping is Google's CSS and a Premium CSS Partner.